
The enterprise ZZI has been over 30 years actively engaged with its products, solutions and services in the organizations of the public administration and economy, mainly in the field of information technology.

Solutions for External Trade 

ZZI solutions for external trade provide complete control, management and paperless performance of all customs, export-import procedures for the companies and forwarding agents. External trade solutions operate in compliance with the international standards and contents approved by FURS (Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia) and EU TAXUD, therefore the certified solutions for external trade procedure and reviews can be executed automated, credible, quick and reliable.

Import, Export

Packaged software ZZI solutions for external trade is designed for the preparation, reviewing, archiving and lodging of customs declarations and all other required documents essential for the execution of customs procedures either on the side of imports or exports. There is also a support to the performance of import and export control procedures (ICS and ECS).

The external trade solution facilitates lodging, correction and control of data for the implementation of customs clearance and the electronic messages interchange – electronic lodging of declarations through the internet. Beside the manual data lodging also automated capture of prepared data from the existing user’s information system and export of data for the business system of the user are available. For calculating duties and selection of code tables (TARIC, exchange rates, …) data and functions of the Customs Administration shall be applied through the network service, providing access to up-to-date code tables and rules. 

The users of the package may be either importers, exporters (local clearance) or theirs agents (forwarding agents), operations with more authorisations are provided. In additional modules we’re also offering the option of simplified manual lodging and monitoring of the invoices. The forwarding agents use the data from invoices for the preparation of declarations and for charging performed services to their customers.

ZZIeul ensures a complete support for the implementation of customs procedures in the field of exports and imports with simplified procedures, e-Business and bookkeeping entries.  . 
Custom clearance linking in your business process and electronic business simplify the operating activities with the Financial Administration by always up-to-date versions which conform to the statutory provisions.


Solutions for Import and Export Control Procedures

For the performance of import and export control procedures, the enterprise ZZI under the set of solutions provides a module ZZIecs  and ZZIics solutions.  ZZIecs offers the carrier or the carrier’s agent simplified electronic notification of goods and transmission of information in a form of the exit summary declaration to be lodged at the office of exit from the EU.
ZZIics offers the carrier or the carrier’s agent simplified performance of the import control procedures, notification of goods and transmission of information in a form of the entry summary declaration which has to be presented at the first office of entry in EU and shall cover all prescribed data. 


Solution for Transit Procedures

Customs transit shall be applied for the movement of goods between two points of one or more customs territories. It provides temporary customs and duty-suspension arrangements arising from the import, as well as carrying out the customs procedures at the final destination of goods rather than at the entry of goods in the Customs Union.

ZZI solution for the transit procedures implementation is designed for the preparation and interchange of the electronic transit documents. The system provides review, logging and control or the exchange of customs messages – electronic lodging. The automated data capture of prepared documents from the user’s existing information system shall be possible beside the manual data entry. 

ZZIncts (NCTS EU Transit procedures) facilitates the NCTS procedures on the side of arrivals and dispatch at any location. Lodging and management of the transit procedures and shipments in the system shall be simplified and accessible 24 h per day, all days of the year, assuring better quality of transit services to the users and shall cut down the  costs of business activities of the users.  


Solution for Intrastat Reporting

Intrastat is the statistics of trade in goods between the member states of the European Union (EU) where the data is collected by the statistical forms directly from the reporting units.

We in the enterprise ZZI have developed the solution titled ZZIstat for the preparation and electronic logging of INTRASTAT reports, providing for effective way of preparation, transmission, correction and management of Intrastat report.  Package facilitates lodging, conversion and control of items of INTRASTAT forms, the electronic log-in of the statistical reports and automation of the monthly Intrastat reporting for the movements of goods within EU. 

Beside the manual data capture automated capture of prepared data from the user’s existing system  can be feasible. Reporting support for more reporting units under one solution is provided.  

The users of ZZIstat package are importers, exporters and their agents.



Movements of Excisable Goods 

Each movement of the goods under the excise control system has to be declared to the Customs through the electronic excise document. ZZIemcs solution is designed for the companies accepting and dispatching the excisable goods (oil products, alcohol, tobacco, etc). The user may, on the dispatch site, log-in the excise documents and on the acceptance site the user may present the certificate of receipt.

ZZIemcs provides simplified and reliable interchange of the excise documents via EMCS system. The interoperability with the other systems and applications of the user is smooth and facilitates the interoperability with the company’s existing information system.


ZZInet/bizBox Network of EDI e-Exchange  

Our knowledge and experiences obtained throughout the entire operating activities of the enterprise ZZI enable us to develop and constantly upgrade the services for digital linking of companies with their partners.  ZZInet/bizBox network connects over 10.000 connectors/companies for the electronic interchange and implementation of formal EDI procedures between the companies. 

The main functions of ZZInet/bizBox network are as follows:
    Standardised open connectors and interfaces for the access to network,
    Safety of messages, contents and network and 24/7 operation availability, 
    Smart and automated routing of interchanges between the partners,
    Audit trails and the operation traceability, 
    Compliance with law and rules,
    Standards support (EDI, GS1, CEN, …),
    Interoperability with other networks (Banks, GXS, x.400,, Public Administration, …).

Our wish is to approximate eInterchange to small business by simple and transparent Web interfaces as pricing models. Easy interoperability of the autonomous systems, partners, locations and solutions are provided with the messages interchange.




bizBox platform offers a wide range of services and solutions for the paperless business between the partners.

It arranges a range of functions for the interchange of all types of documents and eArchive as well as the additional solutions providing the users digitalisation and automation of the business processes for simplified operation with various partners (State, buyers and suppliers).

bizBox is the integrated and central site of eBusiness in more than 30 business solutions (ERP, DMS, …), offering easy and flexible user experience.
 Services such as the issue and acceptance of eInvoice, electronic archive, modules for the external trade and product eCatalog provide savings in time and costs and the competitive advantage of the company is increased. 




This is a safe electronic mailbox supported by the technology of long-term documentation archiving with the connector to the eInterchange. It provides small-size users formal acceptance and review/inspection of the electronic eDocuments via Web and transmission, free of local solutions and purchase costs. Safety and the traceability of documents and the processes of documents interchange are provided.


The first eInvoice delivered to the Public Payments Administration of the Republic of Slovenia network had been transmitted through the bizBox service of eInterchange.

 bizBox services offer you everything the enterprise needs for paperless operating activities with eInvoices.  Automated formal issue, signing, archives and delivery are applied by a large number of the Slovenian companies (the enterprises already carrying out electronic business are listed in bizBox eDirectory). The enterprise is in the position to interchange eInvoices with the partners in the Public Administration and the business sector through ZZInet network. 

Switching to the electronic business with invoices leads to savings in time, the costs of invoices processing are lowered by 65% and the traceability in the overall process is provided from the issue to the payment of eInvoice, including eReturn Receipt and eRejections.

The companies and authorised persons (for example External Accounting Department) have access to the bizBox services from any place and 24/7 service is available.bizBox may already be integrated in the company’s ERP system (bizBox partners). If the supplier of ERP system is not on the list of the bizBox partners, nevertheless we are able to provide automated interchange of eInvoices and other eDocuments from the company’s ERP systems through ZZInet client. 

Small eInvoices issuers may without additional investments in the software transmit and accept eDoucuments throughthe  bizBox portal – the first step shall be registration for obtaining eMailbox for the acceptance/receipt of electronic documents free of charge. 

eInvoices in xml eSlog format is designed in free of charge bizBox MS excel tool and is favoured by small-size enterprises. 
For the verification of format accuracy xml structure of eInvoices to be exported from ERP system and fulfilment of all required data for the transmission of eInvoices to the partner, the document in xml form can be easily loaded in the tool Visualisation of invoice eStyle and visualisation review. If the structure is not accurate then the notification shall be displayed informing you that the visualisation can not be performed.


eLogistic Labels

Logistics key element is precise labelling as one of the relevant factors for the preparation of goods for transport. Standardised labelling avails easier identification and tracking and tracing of goods that is subject of the logistic process.

bizBox solution eLabels is designed for the standard labelling of the logistics units within a separate supply chain. The content and form of printed label satisfies all the requirements of wholesalers Spar, Tuš, Lidl and others. GS1 granted us conformity verification for the logistic label. The logistic labels can be printed by any printer on any self-adhesive labels of various and different dimensions.

Solution of the online printing of logistic labels is available to the suppliers and business partners for whom we provide log-in and printing of labels without any investments in the additional software or technical equipment.

Solution of the online printing of logistic labels provides for the design of SSCC code, design and printing of logistic labels, storage and editing of the existing labels. /

This is safe certified platform for longstanding documents archive enabling different documents and other systems to perform miscellaneous digital processes in the company.  The software and service are certified by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. The authenticity and integrity of archived material are assured with the digital certificates and time stamping of documents. Lodged documents are automatically placed in classification and you may carry on this process manually. You can approve the documents or change their statuses. The approval of documents covers all activities required for the assurance of audit trail, authenticity and integrity of the documents.


eArchive for Digital Business

This is the service of electronic archive of documents based on the information system for archiving either business documents or other documents in one place. The system may archive documents originally produced in the electronic form as documents produced on paper and are digitalised later on.

eArchive service shall include:

  • Documents entry and archive,
  • Material authenticity and integrity for a full time of archive,
  • Electronic archive of material on three geographically  separated locations,
  • Audit trail providing the traceability of the users activities in line of material management,
  • Time stamping upon lodging the document in archive,
  • Classification and identification code,
  • Documents life cycle management,
  • Documents versions management,
  • Advance search for destruction (on commission) and option for eDocuments acceptance.

All documents are autonomously managed and lodged currently via the safe paths. The versions systems, types, documents and metadata are automated, all lodged documents are time stamped, managed by life cycle and the special system of authorisations and responsibility. Also, authorised access from any locations is feasible. 

 eArchive of Electronic Exchanged Documents

This is the additional service linked to bizBox eInterchange and covers automated lodging of only electronic interchanged documents. The automation of capture and archive is optimised for the standardised eDocuments (there is no manual lodging). Longstanding archive of interchanged eDocuments is customised to simplified deployment, automated logging and quick search of archived eDocuments.

Capture of the interchanged documents (return receipts, orders, …) shall be automated, the classification code is customised to the types of interchanged documents. Deployment is prompt and there is no request for the customization by the user.

Copyright, ZZI d.o.o., 2025